Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Year, New Look

Obviously, this blog is undergoing a major makeover! I've been thinking about a change lately, and it seems all the more appropriate with not only the new year but also this new season of life laid before us. So please pardon my dust as I tweak the layout here and there over the next week or so-thanks!


Shayna said...

Rebecca, the new layout looks superb!! :)

Lori said...

LOVE it! Good job on the header (and the description of your blog)! I am guessing you figured out how to insert your font type in the html.

Super cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks Lori-actually I was a grand failure at the html, lol, but I do appreciate your suggestions! I ended up just customizing the header-it's actually an upoaded image. Maybe I'll figure out this html thing one day, until then I'm riding on "fake it till you make it" :-)