Wednesday, January 21, 2009

SNOW day!

A Tuesday morning winter wonderland. We came ... We saw ... We conquered....well, not quite. The snow was too powdery for a snowman, but I did manage a few nicely packed snowballs and a beautiful snow angel. Here is Chris with our would be snowman. Piper had a blast, despite his freezing jacket of snow.
After our adventures outside, we made chocolate chip cookies, mmmmm! And I read my book at the island, waiting for the stove timer to ring, basking in the lovely smell of cookie dough rising.

Piper was sneaky, and ate about half of our wonderful cookies. What will we do with him?

And then I made this cake!

Thankfully, with a little pinch of patience and a lot of powdered sugar, it turned out alright(I'll skip the part where I over estimated the pink food coloring and came out with a batch of hideous hot pink, retro, barbie colored icing). I can't wait to eat this thing :)

After my adventures in cake decorating, Chris and I lazed about on the couch with a good movie and a little Ceasers pizza-a consequence of crockpotting gone horribly wrong. A story for another snow day no doubt.

Thank God for snow and snowdays :)


robyn.lynn said...

Rebecca-- somehow i ran across your blog. i love how crafty and cute you are! :) glad to see you're doing well and are enjoying life.

Lori said...

The baby buggy turned out very well! Glad you too enjoyed the snow!

jeanna said...

Hey, you did a great job on the cake. We had chocolate chip cookies yesterday after playing in the snow, great minds think alike!