Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A New Look

Say goodbye to irritated eyes and flimsy contacts, and hello to glasses! Still getting used to the new look...figuratively and visually...I knew my prescription was outdated, but man! I feel like my vision has improved a million percent with these new lenses! I was a bit shocked at first at how much sharper and clearer everything appeared...I can't believe I was missing it all this time! Chris is also having fun with the new glasses, and keeps trying to make me say "these will be due back Tuesday," lol.


Anonymous said...

I love your glasses!! They look great...glad you can see better now :) How's church going?

BoldLion said...

HI! Rebecca,

You do look great in your new glasses! Perfect!

I can't wear contact lens either!

Can't wait to see you all tomorrow at CBCW.

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion