Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home

For the past few months, Chris and I have been in the crazy, overwhelming and exciting process of purchasing our first official townhome. Yesterday was the big closing/moving day(yes, all in one) I am happy to report that we made it, praise God! We are now officially homeowners :) As you can imagine, we are very busy with the move and up to our knees in stay tuned for more adventures in moving, unpacking, organizing and most fun of all-decorating! We were so fortunate so have my parents help us with the move-thanks mom and dad, we couldn't have done it without you.

Our townhome is new construction, so it was fun to document its growth from the ground up(scrapbooking op....i think so!) Here are some pics from the journey.

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1 comment:

Shannon said...

Woo hoo!! Congrats on the big day! I know it is exciting! You have a beautiful home! Now you will have lots to occupy your time! Decorating is so fun! Keep posting pics!