Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Way to grow!

A few milestones to mention from earlier this week...

First, Bennett had his two month well baby check up. And secondly, I survived the pediatricians appointment! Seriously, towing two under two is no simple task on an everyday errand, but the doctor's office? Let's just say that there are many, many, many other places I'd rather be. Clean, happy places. Places with red dots. :-)

That being said, the check up went swimmingly. The wait was bearable, and the actual appointment rather uneventful-the best kind. Bennett got himself an A+,  was a sweetheart for the doc and is doing wonderfully. Here are his stats:

Weight-11 pounds, 9 oz. That's 2 pounds larger than at birth, and in the 50% percentile.
Height-23.5". That's in the 75th-95% percentiles, and a whopping two and half inches longer than birth.

Way to grow! :-)
Looks like my Benny Bear is going to be a string bean in comparison to his big bro! I was looking back on Evan's two month stats(blog here) and couldn't believe the difference. At two months, Evan weighed 13 pounds 8 oz and measured 24" long. Chunky monkey.:-) Just one of the many differences we're already beginning to see, and love, between our two boys!

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