Monday, February 15, 2010

31 Weeks

Time continues to wiz by. Chris and I took the tour of the birth center at Rex this weekend, and are looking forward to our last class next Sunday on newborn care. At 31 weeks, baby E continues to grow and look healthy. Again, our little boy measured completely on track for 31 weeks this morning, so maybe I just feel really big, lol. Here are our the stats. from our appointment:

Weight Gain-1.6 pounds, pretty good for 2 weeks! Should be gaining a pound/week at this point.
Baby’s heartrate-140’s
Milestones-We are almost done with our classes at the hospital…feeling more anxious about the realities of childbirth as d-day gets closer and closer…no signs of stretch marks yet but I feel like they could be just around the corner with this growing belly! Sleeping is not so bad except for dealing with this annoyingly persistent cold and congestion-can't wait to have my immune system back to myself!

As per baby’s latest activities-he should be weighing around 3.3 pounds and measure 17 inches give or take-plus he’ll be hitting a super growth spurt soon. He is super active these days and tumbles and turns most during the night. Can’t wait to see him in person-getting the tour of the labor and postpartum rooms, and seeing the baby warmers and nursery at the hospital was sort of surreal, but also exciting. Just 9 weeks or so to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How quickly the time has past. Mema is talking about the baby being born on her Dad's birthday. Wouldn't that be special for her!
Still thinking about that G-word!