We all like to talk about New Years resolutions. Heck, I'm even blogging about it right now! To start, I'm a big fan of setting goals, and would encourage anyone to pause and evaluate areas of improvement in their lives. The problem with me and these New Years resolutions though, is that they are often not well thought out, mostly planned at the last minute, and almost always forgotten come February. So this year I'm doing things a little differently, and choosing to focus on habits.
For each month, I've thought of a habit I'd really like to "create" and pursue in order to grow as a person and benefit my family. In addition, I'm going to work on "subtracting" or breaking a bad habit that I've found not to be beneficial to myself or my family. My hope is that our family routine will be greatly blessed over the course of the year by slowly and intentionally incorporating these simple goals. It may be a resolution game dressed up in a bear suit, but I'm excited about it nonetheless. :-) Here we go!
"An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm all the days of her life...She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31
*Habit to create: To embrace and cherish this time, our last month as a family of three. Practically, this means spending more creative one on one time with Evan, extending hospitality by having friends and families over for dinner, and being more intentional about spending quality time with my husband while it's still relatively quiet around here(you know, before baby #2 rocks our world).
*Habit to break: Giving too much of my free time(ie Evan's nap) away to facebook, email and online eye candy. Putting down the Iphone in order to spend my interests and affections on more worthwhile pursuits-serving and enjoying my family.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16
*Habit to create: Set apart a structured and unmovable quiet time every day for prayer, because Lord knows I'm gonna need that extra dollop of grace to take care of my two babies under two!
*Habit to break: Not to complain or grumble about the added responsibility and subtracted sleep that comes with two small children.
"The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty." Proverbs 21:5
*Habit to create: Plan meals, save money. With the added expense of a new baby, being diligent to budget for and plan our family dinners is a must. While I already clip coupons and set aside time to prepare weekly menus and grocery lists, I'm fully aware that the extra time and demands of baby#2 will try to push me off the meal planning wagon. Lord willing, I'll hold on tight!
*Habit to break: Impulse buying at Target/grocery stores. These small and seemingly harmless "salt and snack" runs add up fast!
I purposely did not let myself get carried away with planning all twelve months, lest I get too ambitious and again, loose my way before I've begun. Knowing full well that tomorrow is never guaranteed and that the tide is always changing, I'm choosing simply to focus on the near future. Moreover, I anticipate our family lifestyle and needs will change immensely over the next few months with a new baby and potential move. So God willing, I'll be posting some new habits(and success stories!) better suited to that particular season-come what may-starting in April.
1 comment:
Now that you've set the goals in writing...we all will be watching! My goal is 20 pounds. Perhaps I'd do better if I set in in writing as well. Writing it down does seem to make it a more earnest pledge for the New Year.
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