Chris and I had a great two day get-a-way to Charleston, SC this past weekend. After a
looonng drive down, our first stop was the historic district downtown. The houses there were just gorgeous! A ton of authentic old century architecture and colorful, southern plantation style homes, not to mention plenty of horse and carriage rides and cobblestone walkways set the scenery.

After we had thoroughly worn our legs to jelly, we packed back into the car and headed to our hotel, the Sleep Inn Charleston. On Friday afternoon, re-energized by a Waffle House Vanilla Coke, we walked the
Tanger outlets, ate dinner at
McCallisters-a favorite of Chris', and headed to bed early for a rare and luxurious full night's sleep :)

Charleston is a town with a rich historical background; here is Chris posing like the confederate statue above. So stately :)

On Saturday we spent the afternoon at Folly Beach. Myself not expecting to find a "beach beach" in Charleston, I(and by default we) were completely unprepared. After touring some of the local surf shops and walking down the fishing pier, we decided to take a mid morning detour and get some appropriate beach gear and then come back for the afternoon. The weather was just amazing and made for the perfect afternoon on the beach! I had a wonderfully relaxing time reading and relaxing in the sand while Chris had fun building his skim boarding reportoire.

A last highlight of our trip, aside from some pretty neat shops we visited on the way out, was the one and only
Popeyes! I just LOVE
Popeyes and have wished on many a star that there was one in NC. No better biscuits exist. So whenever we see one while traveling we have to make a stop. After driving around the city for 2 days I decided that SC stole all of our
Popeyes and
Dunkin Donuts. ;)

On the downside of things, the drive was a bit longer than I expected and twice as tiring. Chris had some sinus issues on Friday, and my until now dormant pregnant symptoms debuted in full force over the weekend! I'm sure it was a combination of the heat(who's heard of a 90 degree day in October?), the walking and the drive, but whew! After this trip I think we'll put any extensive traveling on the back burner for about 6 more months,
lol. In any case, we managed to pack a lot of good stuff in our short Charleston stay and had a wonderful time just being together, which was really the whole point. Mission accomplished! :)

After church on Sunday, the weekend ended on a great note with the perfect
homemade chicken pastry dinner, accompanied by all of my favorite sides-strawberries and sister Schubert's rolls- complements of my mom the cook. Following the delicious meal and some routine mom-daughter "
tjmaxing," we loaded up our pup and headed home to loads of laundry, a full
DVR and a lots of yummy leftovers :) Now that's what I call a weekend!