Thursday, March 26, 2009

Current Events

Some tic tacs of overdue and upcoming goings on in the Scott household:

-Chris and I saw "Fireprooof" a few weekends ago, and I've been meaning to give it a blog thumbs up for a while now. It's a great, God glorifying movie and so worth a Friday night!
-I made cupcakes this weekend and we had a nice picnic at the dog park! I love these cool Spring afternoons and can't wait for some more sunshine.
-A reunion of best friends is on the recent horizon, and a countdown is in order. Some details are still stringy, but for the most part, it's on.
-I'm contemplating doing something about my charcoal thumb...there may be hope after all. Stay tuned! Last night I had so much fun planting little Marigolds with the kids at church; I'm starting to think the gardening thing isn't so bad after all. :) In any case, I'll be pulling up weeds and hopefully mulching be weeks end, wish me luck!
-We have so many exciting things to look forward to this Spring and Summer. The calendar is filling up fast with Easter celebrations, weddings, conferences, retreats, new floors and the like. Chris is REALLY excited about the Worship God 09 conference, and starting to talk about it ALL the time. And I'm planning full speed ahead for a great reunion of friends: T-12 days. That's all for now folks.


BoldLion said...

I am so glad that you are thinking about gardening!It is amazing to watch it grow and see the Lord's beauty in that. What kind of gardening are you thinking of? Veggies or flowers! Great! Have a lot of fun! I am doing my garden.

Hungry to eat His Word!
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

jeanna said...

Last night was fun planting with the kids. I also have a black thumb, everything I touch dies! Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to in the next months! Reuion of friends, what fun!