Piper is a handful of a puppy! He has definitely kept us busy these past couple of days. He is adorable, playful, energetic and incredibly smart! We have high hopes that he will be potty trained sooner than later, as he seems to catch on to things very quickly. Already we have reached several milestones, and have been pleasantly surprised by his quick adjustment here. He is full of surprises, and learns new things everyday. I am pretty sure that if we took him to a "healthy puppy" checkup like babies have, he would be in the 100th percentile of everything. He has had no problem eating and is very strong and sturdy...he has even conquered the stairs(We were told this would not happen at his age)!
When he arrived here on Saturday evening, we took him on his first official walk. He had never been on a leash before, so it was a new experience for him and took some getting used to. He had trouble at first on the curbs, but now is very good at going up and down them. Only a few days later and he's a pro at walking on a leash! Plus, he even recognizes where we live, and will turn into our home on his own when returning from a walk! Piper is super puppy.
Still, he is a puppy. He is teething and chews on everything(including hands and feet)! He is so sweet and snugly, but on the flips side of that token-very attached and borderline clingy. He doesn't like being left alone, and is still not sleeping through the night :/ However, last night was better than the one before, and we hope to get a good nights sleep in the days to come. We look forward to the day(soon!) when he is fully potty trained and doesn't need to be confined to one area of the house. Needless to say, taking care of a puppy is exhausting! Thankfully, he is easy to forgive. :)
Thank you for sharing with us! I would love to meet Piper too!
In Christ,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion
I'm in love with Piper! Too cute!! I can't wait to meet him (or her??) in person! :)
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