Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Back to blogging

Hello dear blog, long time no see! Instead of trying to capture the last year that's flown by "unblogged," I'm going to pick up right here with the present. Tuesday, September 12th finds us living happily in Apex, NC, loving our church family at Sovereign Grace, homeschooling a second grader and kindergartener with a very active toddler underfoot and looking forward to the arrival of our sweet surprise baby #4-a girl!
Look at these handsome young gentlemen on their first day of school! This year we are excited to travel down a new road in our homeschooling journey and have joined a local chapter of "Classical Conversations." If you're not familiar with the methodology behind Classical, Christian education, I encourage you to click here to learn more. I mention this because it will no doubt color a big part of our at home studies and I hope to blog lots of fun CC resources in the future. Every Monday we attend our CC co-op and the boys have loved it so far! 
 First day in "Foundations."
Asher is quickly approaching the trying/terrible/tenacious/terrific twos(you pick) and is too stinking cute for his big boy pants. Just this weekend he transitioned out of our 8yr old beloved crib and into his own toddler bed. I'm happy to report that despite a few nap time gliches, so far so good. He adores his brothers, his special fox blanket, and all things musical. Interestingly, while he continues to grow into Evan's twin by appearance(the side by side pictures could be featured in "The Twilight Zone"), his personality is very much like Bennett's. For one thing, he was made for the shade and loves to be outside. While he goes by many nicknames(a record number really) his current is "cookie" because he a little cookie monster and has quite the sweet tooth-I must admit he comes by it honestly! Otherwise his favorite foods include strawberries, Chic-Fil-A, and playdough. :-)
As I mentioned earlier, we moved! And hit the jackpot of family friendly neighborhoods. There are so many kiddos on our cul-de-sac that my big boys spend most of their time outside riding bikes, scooting scooters, jumping on our trampolines and having all sorts of wild adventures with friends. All I need now is an upright dinner bell or megaphone to call them in every afternoon(and a blindfold for when I see them swinging on trees by sheets and bungee cords). You really can't put a high enough value on that!
In other current news, we are almost 30 weeks along with baby girl!!! I've had a great pregnancy so far and though those annoying pregnancy aches and pains have certainly kicked in, I can't complain! After three boys we were over the moon excited to welcome a dash(or more like tsunami sized splash) of pink into our home. No doubt she will be a treasure to her adoring brothers. I'm so thankful for this gift of new life and very much looking to forward to not being the only girl in the house anymore!
Godwilling I will not completely fall off the blogging wagon again and will be back soon with a quick look back on our whirlwind summer. Like when we took this trip to the beach...
and this one...till next time! :-)

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