Happy 10(almost 11 now) months baby boy! Congratulations buddy, you've now officially been outside of mama's belly longer than you were in.
I know I know, I'm a little behind on this one since 11 months is just around the corner-eek! I plead Spring. :-)
With each passing month we crawl closer and closer to the big "One." Life on the outside has been pretty great. Mommy and daddy are continually thankful for you Evan Matthew!
A few of Evan's favorite things at 10-ahem, almost 11- months:
- Snacks, snacks, and did I mention snacks?
- Cruising the furniture, and pulling up on everything-and I do mean everything!
- Piper
- All things "baby Einstein"
- Swings at the park on sunny Spring days!
- Bathtime-he's got that splashing thing down pat ;-)
- Walking and scooting with his green dino
- And last but not least-Mommy!
- Reaching the bottom of the snack bowl
- Being told "no" when trying to pull up on guitars, fireplaces, table runners and toilets (eew!)
- Staying still for diaper changes and getting dressed
7am-Rise and shine, nurse, breakfast and playtime until...
9am-10:30/11 am-Morning nap
11am-Nurse, playtime and errands
12 noon-Lunch, usually with daddy! Then playtime until...
2-4pm-Afternoon nap
4pm-Nurse and playtime, afternoon walk around the neighborhood(*first dropped feeding)
5:30-6ish-Dinner and family time, one last feeding of the day, bathtime and...
7:30pm-Story and bedtime!
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