You've grown up so much in these past few years! Your'e an independent reader, you woop our tails almost every time at Sushi Go and even take showers. And speaking of the water, I can't wait to see you take on swim team this summer!
I love your art and creative spirit, especially the steady hand and attention to detail you apply to your drawings. This year you started playing piano and have learned to type in less than a month. Smart cookie! School comes easily to you, and while math is your favorite subject, those spelling sentences crack me up almost daily. Today you used not one but two of your spelling words(bonus) to write the sentence "My mother has a happy face." Of course it made me smile and hug you tight, to which you replied with rolled eyes"Moooooommmmm."
As you can tell from the pictures below, you get the goofball gene from your daddy. ;-)
This year we celebrated your birthday with friends and family Mario party style with a trip to Defying Gravity. You have some pretty awesome friends, great taste in chocolate cake and mad jumping skills thanks to our backyard trampoline.
Before you were born I picked out your special green blanket and my Linus you will always be. Though I'm sure you will always be tender hearted, I've noticed you grow so brave and strong over this past year. You've tried new things with gusto and skinned your knees enough times to get up and move on. You can ride your bike, roller blade, jump and skateboard with the best of them. No doubt this fun neighborhood of ours full of rough and tumble boys has brought out your inner wild man. Though no matter how much dirt you revel in outside, we can always count on your to have the cleanest shirt at the dinner table and for that we are continually thankful!
Eight years ago we found out we were having a boy and my world was turned on it's side. We say all the time that God's plan for us is so better than ours, and I am so thankful that He blessed us with not one but three handsome mama's boys! I pray the Lord continues to protect your sweet and sensitive soul as you grow into a young man and leader who is selfless, smart, strong and kind.
It's a joy to be your mama!